Produse pentru din materii prime (7)

Carne congelată – blanșată - materii prime

Carne congelată – blanșată - materii prime

Frozen meat – blanched Available packages: 0.500 kg package 1.05 kg. package (7 x 150 g) Product features: The snails are cooked once for 5-7 minutes. Removed from the shells, cleaned and washed. They are then boiled a second time for 20 minutes. Washed, packaged and frozen again. This product is ready for direct consumption or undergoes subsequent heat treatment at the customer’s request (frying, baking, cooking, etc.) Storage: – 18 ° С
Petale de trandafir uscate natural / Rosa centifolia / - Petale de trandafir roșu uscate / Rosa centifolia /

Petale de trandafir uscate natural / Rosa centifolia / - Petale de trandafir roșu uscate / Rosa centifolia /

We have pleasure to offer you our great product of dried Rose Petals / Rosa centifolia /. Тhe product is cleaned by hand from the green heads to be only petals. The product is used for different purposes according to the customer's need. We supply this product to our customers worldwide, wholesale. If interested, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be at your disposal!
Floarea-soarelui Albă - Organică

Floarea-soarelui Albă - Organică

Суровите органични слънчогледови семки са богат източник на протеини - 6 грама на порция. Те съдържат също така есенциални мастни киселини като олеинова и линолова киселина, които са свързани с понижаване на нивата на кръвната захар, намаляване на „лошия“ холестерол и подобряване на метаболизма.
Carne congelată - materii prime

Carne congelată - materii prime

Frozen meat Available packages: 0.500 kg package 2.00 kg package Product features: The snails are cooked once for 5-7 minutes. Removed from the shells, cleaned, washed and frozen. This product is not ready for direct consumption and undergoes subsequent heat treatment (cooking, frying, etc.) Storage: – 18 ° С
Căpșun - Flori de primula

Căpșun - Flori de primula

Names include cowslip, common cowslip, cowslip primrose, The common name cowslip may derive from the old English folklore for cow dung, probably because the plant was often found growing amongst the manure in cow pastures. An alternative derivation simply refers to slippery or boggy ground; again, a typical habitat for this plant. The plant is an important source of nectar for bees and other pollinators, and is a traditional symbol of spring and renewal. The flowers of cowslip can be used to make a fragrant tea or infused into a sweet wine (Cowslip wine) or liqueur.
uleiuri esențiale - Uleiuri esențiale bulgărești naturale și organice.

uleiuri esențiale - Uleiuri esențiale bulgărești naturale și organice.

Mountain Rose Bulgaria Ltd es fabricante y vendedor completo de materia prima 100 % en Bulgaria. Contamos con aceites esenciales búlgaros naturales y orgánicos de la mejor calidad. Son más de 50 tipos. El producto tiene diferentes aplicaciones. Suministramos la mejor calidad a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo, al por mayor. Si está interesado, no dude en contactarnos. ¡Estaremos a tu disposición!
Bude de Trandafir Uscate / Rosa damascena / - Bude de Trandafir Uscate / Moara Rosa damascena /

Bude de Trandafir Uscate / Rosa damascena / - Bude de Trandafir Uscate / Moara Rosa damascena /

We have pleasure to offer you our great product of dried Rose Buds / Rosa damascena Mill /. The product is used for different purposes according to the customer's need. We supply this product to our customers worldwide, wholesale. If interested, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be at your disposal!